Join Club CITGO Loyalty
Why would you drive past six other gas stations to get to one of ours?
Combine all the rewards and perks of Club CITGO®, quality TriCLEAN® gasoline, and all the ways our locally-owned stations help in your community, the better question may be, why wouldn't you?
Join Club CITGO and save least 3¢ per gallon on every fill-up of TriCLEAN gasoline.
Join Club CITGO Loyalty
Why would you drive past six other gas stations to get to one of ours?
Combine all the rewards and perks of Club CITGO®, quality TriCLEAN® gasoline, and all the ways our locally-owned stations help in your community, the better question may be, why wouldn't you?
Join Club CITGO and save least 3¢ per gallon on every fill-up of TriCLEAN gasoline.
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